led panel assembly successful
I had a lot of trouble getting to this stage. My initial attempt to put the led panel together failed. i went back re-drilled holes ,...
I had a lot of trouble getting to this stage. My initial attempt to put the led panel together failed. i went back re-drilled holes ,...
I had to pull the top apart because it kept slightly separating while I was sanding. Some seems kept showing no matter what i did because...
Audio volume controllers rear view of audio and display Some ideas about volume knobs. I liked the feel of this universal shower knob.
Gluing and patching pla. A good use of my programming books. Holding pressure while the pieces glue.
I will not name or identify the designers/artists here but I have some video footage.
I decided I needed to choose a size for the output poetry. The current parts per million of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere seemed like...
I managed to train some of my own data. I combined ts eliots "wasteland" and the 2019 IPCC report. intergovernmental panel on climate...
Cleaning text generally needs to be done before it can be used with machine learning. here I cleaned ts.eliot wasteland and displayed to...
Below is an overview of the 5 steps in the neural network model life-cycle in Keras: 1. Define Network. 2. Compile Network. 3. Fit...
It's 17 feet from the floor to the white paneling on the ceiling. Likely should get 2 pieces about 20 feet long to be on safe side. The...
This print resulted in a complete re-design. You will see as the print began to fail I paused, added various tape and attempted to glue...
Perspective Side view Front
A slightly more complete view of how the leds will work. Also trying a different material over the lights but I continue to believe a...
I'm starting to get the code looking more organic and like a shower of rain or water now. It will need more work but I feel I can move...
I decided it would save time to just get a panel shower and customize it. So far though I have gotten 2 which have been bent in shipping....
Just film laid over the leds Same code with Shower door and film laid over top. Will likely need to as some randomness to this in some...
The basic wiring wasn't too tough, managed to get power to all leds without much trouble. This power supply and arduino mega should allow...
I set up a simple test for motion detection with a raspberry pi. This may trigger a "demo mode" for the idea chamber. The green LED...