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testing more materials for projection

I made the prototyping stand larger so I could more easily test different materials. I think the shower curtain does as well as anything....

Projector distance testing

This was just on a green wall with the projector in it's standard orientation... roughly 36inches by 58inches is the result with...

idea chamber tests

Built out a pvc framework for prototyping the idea chamber... tie wrapped the small display that will likely be's about 7inches...

adhesion test

Didn't do a very good job of alignment but this will show how well I can hide that.

3d printer operational again

Took a lot of experimenting with cleaning... now working with a different brand pla... seems better. here's the benchy test mostly done.

as close as I've gotten with google colab

global tempuratures Dout of chiss my child cut than piss of rifs twiend worters a wotching to see tham lack softermo thent is lopt awogc...

large 3d printer

Decided to get a 3d printer kit for myself during black Friday sales. Some assembly required. I think this will come in very helpful for...

Amazon Comprehend

Some experiments using Amazon/s Machine Learning Model called Comprehend. Some to work fine with shorter phrases... possibly some trouble...

Amazon Rekognition

Image analyzation with Amazon Rekognition, deep learning visual service.

some progress

I was actually able to get google colab to run an RNN with some text from the guttenburg project without errors. I trained the model on...


Sputniko The Yes Men

Three Waves of AI

Darpa AI video from Brian Circle,what do you have a question about Will the third wave ever...

recurrent neural networks

This article leads me too believe an RNN is a good choice for working with text.

Notes and highlights for Speculative Everything:

Highlight (pink) - Location 17 futurology, Highlight (pink) - Location 30 Platform 3, Durrell Bishop, Onkar Kular, Ron Arad, and Hilary...

Actions items

*******green means done *Decide whether to add another member to committee *Revise proposal * Set committee meeting *Have a multi-layered...

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