testing more materials for projection
I made the prototyping stand larger so I could more easily test different materials. I think the shower curtain does as well as anything....
I made the prototyping stand larger so I could more easily test different materials. I think the shower curtain does as well as anything....
This was just on a green wall with the projector in it's standard orientation... roughly 36inches by 58inches is the result with...
Built out a pvc framework for prototyping the idea chamber... tie wrapped the small display that will likely be used...it's about 7inches...
Didn't do a very good job of alignment but this will show how well I can hide that.
Took a lot of experimenting with cleaning... now working with a different brand pla... seems better. here's the benchy test mostly done.
global tempuratures Dout of chiss my child cut than piss of rifs twiend worters a wotching to see tham lack softermo thent is lopt awogc...
Decided to get a 3d printer kit for myself during black Friday sales. Some assembly required. I think this will come in very helpful for...
Some experiments using Amazon/s Machine Learning Model called Comprehend. Some to work fine with shorter phrases... possibly some trouble...
Image analyzation with Amazon Rekognition, deep learning visual service.
I was actually able to get google colab to run an RNN with some text from the guttenburg project without errors. I trained the model on...
Sputniko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdU1F54FEOU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X2xCbukQMw The Yes Men https://www.youtube.com/watc...
Darpa AI video from Brian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O01G3tSYpU Circle,what do you have a question about Will the third wave ever...
This article leads me too believe an RNN is a good choice for working with text. https://stackabuse.com/text-generation-with-python-and-t...
Highlight (pink) - Location 17 futurology, Highlight (pink) - Location 30 Platform 3, Durrell Bishop, Onkar Kular, Ron Arad, and Hilary...
1. Introducing critical design Highlight (yellow) - Page 1 · Location 194 In critical design practice , designers reject a role for...
*******green means done *Decide whether to add another member to committee *Revise proposal * Set committee meeting *Have a multi-layered...