I managed to train some of my own data. I combined ts eliots "wasteland" and the 2019 IPCC report.
intergovernmental panel on climate change.
Some of the results. I noted where I made changes to the model.
glass chapel drip coupole down to was hands to tiresias old people old man with wrinkled female breasts at the hyacinth are departed a moment and a window fingers on city hid a game of chess the chair which dry sterile reflecting who puts the current mantel one spread i windows the river sweats oil and tar the barges sweats oil and tar the barges drift on the nightingale plain she turns and looks a moment in the glass hardly aware of time to thames run softly till i end and ear to said turn is the wheel and look different a wheel and mylae corpse in vials and ivory and coloured glass unstoppered lurked her strange synthetic perfumes unguent powdered or confused and drowned the sense on a profit and loss a moment in the glass hardly aware of time to thames run softly till i end and ear
fingernails the record in the faint moonlight the grass is singing the rock if there were water the wind road there were water rock and rock amongst the lowest of the rocks of dust frisch weht der wind la sails swallow le prince à la tour abolie these fragments with copper beating oars the nymphs are gold the river sweats oil and tar the barges drift with the turning tide red sails wide with copper burned green and orange framed at the floor of the narrow sea are damyata a weekend at the violet hour in the chair in odours age of sevenbranched candelabra reflecting datta papers silk shuffled in copper first to controlling hands i sat in a window perilously spread her drying combinations touched by the turning pack of cards a cock leia wallala leialala elizabeth the desert with greenwich burned green and orange framed at the floor
summer nights the nymphs are departed and their friends the loitering heirs of city directors departed have left no addresses by the waters of leman i sat down and wept sweet thames run softly till i end my song sweet thames run softly for i speak not loud or long but at my back in a cold blast i hear the rattle of the bones and chuckle spread from ear to ear a rat crept softly through the vegetation dragging its slimy belly on the bank while i was fishing in the dull canal on a winter evening round behind the gashouse musing upon the king my wreck and on the king my death before him white bodies naked on the low damp ground and bones cast in a little low dry garret rattled by the foot only year to year but at my back from time to time i
do you never speak speak are you thinking of what thinking what never know what you are thinking i think we are in alley where the dead men lost their bones is that the wind under the door is that noise now what is the wind nothing again nothing know nothing do you see nothing do you remember i remember those are pearls that were his eyes you alive or not is there nothing in your but o o o o that shakespeherian so elegant so intelligent shall i do now what shall i i shall rush out as i am and walk the street my hair down so what shall we do tomorrow shall we ever the hot water at ten and if it rains a closed car at four and we shall play a game of chess pressing lidless eyes and waiting for a knock upon the door
leia wallala leialala elizabeth and leicester beating oars the stern was formed to gold the barges drift with the turning tide red sails wide to leeward swing in the heavy spar the barges wash drifting logs down greenwich reach past the isle of dogs weialala leia wallala leialala elizabeth and leicester beating oars the stern was formed to gold the barges gave up the moment on the king when is this rock rock is the third but cannot them all out lil a glass bears no empty bottles sandwich papers silk handkerchiefs cardboard boxes cigarette ends or other testimony of summer nights the nymphs are departed i comment sweet thames run softly till i end my song and bats and glad as sweeney the time at palace the rattle of the dead bestows is four i comment sweet thames run softly till i end my song and bats and glad
pretty good settings..maybe
def define_model(vocab_size, seq_length):
model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(vocab_size, 50, input_length=seq_length))
model.add(LSTM(150, return_sequences=True))
model.add(Dense(150, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(vocab_size, activation='softmax'))
200 epochs
shantih shantih shantih not speak and my eyes failed i was neither living nor dead and we could not thought death o if you never children walking beside you gliding wrapt in a brown mantle hooded i do not know whether a man or a woman who is that the wind under the door that freshened a river sweats oil and tar the broken is the home damp broken only by the last rays on the divan are piled at night her bed stockings slippers camisoles and stays i tiresias old man with wrinkled dugs perceived the scene and foretold the dry guest he the young moonlight the brush her hair spread out in fiery points glowed into words then would be savagely still nerves are bad tonight yes bad stay with which sad light a sled and i was frightened he said marie marie hold on tight and motors which shall bring sweeney in the lowest of the dead sound on the final stroke of nine his way perceived the agony in stony places the shouting and the dead each red sails wide to drying combinations touched by the last rays on the divan are piled at night her bed stockings slippers camisoles and stays i tiresias old man with wrinkled dugs perceived the scene and foretold the dry guest he the young moonlight the brush her hair spread out in fiery points glowed into words then would be savagely still nerves are bad tonight yes bad stay with
might be best yet
def define_model(vocab_size, seq_length):
model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(vocab_size, 50, input_length=seq_length))
model.add(LSTM(50, return_sequences=True))
model.add(Dense(50, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(vocab_size, activation='softmax'))
# compile network
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
# summarize defined model
plot_model(model, to_file='model.png', show_shapes=True)
return model
100 epochs
the brown fog of the winter at freshened a wrought in one can sometimes dig displayed her breakfast combinations touched by the flat rays red greenwich first the gashouse leia wallala belly on the gashouse leia wallala leialala with wrinkled framed by the brown fog of the winter dawn and windows and the glass hardly aware of this speak have home behind the marble dawn the hours in a hill in a window crept out lil the sled and this only i said children will at you i time if you were i card the hanged pursues in palace the sun beats and the chatter in a got demobbed and the winter are go jerusalem athens alexandria vienna with city bold beating we i came back burning burning down his thou pluckest nor lie nor sit i have weialala leia wallala leialala with copper burned green and orange framed why the brown fog of the winter at mr slippers between two lives boxes famous ends and have testimony of leicester black beating oars the stern nor sit i tiresias eugenides and cried the lowest of the glass unstoppered lurked on upon the room enclosed footsteps shuffled on the stair by the firelight under the winter at took and this jewels will you i time if you give i time if you were i said show you said you that only you that only you i only i said show you said you that only you that only you the eyes
this is the ipcc data
warming to with emissions are projected to reduce emissions in pathways limiting global warming to with no or limited overshoot but limited overshoot but larger emissions in the gistemp and potentially uncertainties and other conditions are realized of confidence poverty eradication investments in the coloured bars depict the significant limited by damage on gas at gmst global warming after global warming of of of pathways that limit global warming to with no or limited overshoot but higher emissions in the preindustrial period to global warming of and of the level of warming of global warming of of of pathways that limit global warming to with no or limited overshoot but higher emissions in the preindustrial period to global warming of and of the level of warming of global warming of of of pathways that limit global warming to with no or limited overshoot but higher emissions in the preindustrial period to global warming of and of the level of warming of global warming of of of pathways that limit global warming to with no or limited overshoot but higher emissions in the preindustrial period to global warming of and of the level of warming of global warming of of of pathways that limit global warming to with no or limited overshoot but higher emissions in the preindustrial period to global warming of and of the level of warming of global warming of of of pathways that limit global warming to with no or limited overshoot but higher emissions in the
ipcc and ts combined
and feedbacks and employment generation would be reduced in panels emission pathways high confidence and the level of a few hundred observed emissions of the global response to the reasons of the scale of sustainable development and adaptation and adaptation and efforts to eradicate poverty through equitable ecosystems and other
lack of tired endeavours
be children hurry up please time if you know if you see if you can pick and choose if you can card the hanged gentile or one o you said you that i do you said you stopped the thunder said after the broken nothing kept the river sweats oil
invitation in april deciding and prepare this special report the broken into is identified a carvèd hour her leer combinations its deutsch and rain turn the waters of leman time hurry or went and the violet crept or puts and this et hurry up please time among the handful of
you stopped the sudden frost
range of the assessment are
o ces voix chantant dans
nothing in the broken nothing
people both exposed to this
minimize the probability of the
is blank is feel free
the blackened plain behind greenwich
system feedbacks in warming of
thirty one you said i said
she lovely woman without his
entering the whirlpool gentile and
and choose if you can
be regions at than and
and and beyond at of
rise enables likely also expected
health and health and it
the risks of climate induced risks
for projected to be concentrations
likely about as likely likely
dolphin swam above the antique
from ear and this et
the street and wrinkled female
required to prevent the assessed
emission pathways in the context
***lurked her strange synthetic perfumes
compared to of the costs
estimates of the assessment is
global warming of compared to
perfumes unguent powdered or confused
words i shall burning so
confidence impacts are frequency and
and pronounced losses beyond
cicada and dry grass
behind leaning time i
compared to of the
time the hours and
water a golden cupidon
and sustaining net higher
*possible shortterm natural variability
*against my ruins why
warming of compared to
of infrastructure reinforcement medium
think is no dying
be higher at compared
gdp is impacts and
of terrestrial freshwater and
generated with the use of texwarap to format- I decided to format the text as it is getting generated so it's more like a poem.
warming of and economies and
instabilities and be triggered
and indigenous peoples and
local communities dependent of
agricultural and indigenous
knowledge the persistence of
climaterelated regions of
natural change at than and
than further than than than at
global warming of compared to
of the consequence of many
marine rise at than the decade
warming warming warming of
compared to of the longterm of
warming warming of compared to
of the longterm peak heavy
assessment of global warming
compared to the time covers
rate of warming warming
warming is generally higher to
some inhabited and based in
several levels on of global
warming of than at at the time
for terrestrial risks and halt
global warming of compared to
of the aggregate range of of
compared to of the longterm of
warming warming of compared to
of the longterm peak heavy
assessment of global warming
compared to the time covers
rate of warming warming
warming is generally higher to
some inhabited and based in
several levels on of global
warming of than at at the time
for terrestrial risks and halt
global warming of compared to
of the aggregate range of of
compared to of the longterm of
warming warming
and mudcracked houses if there
were water and and rock
without rock amongst there is
water and sustainable no water
he special report the rock and
freshened i i was show you
something different you give i
think the taxi shone bright on
change is doors and ear and
this houses and were sullen
flushed and walked among the
lowest and the winter that
cannot say or guess asked said
is now dying and this houses
and come the prolonged hour
unheard the rock among the
mountains cracks and reforms
and bursts and the violet
prison whistled and maternal
lamentation who i carries and
magnus grow which on carious
teeth which cannot spit here
so hair and puts the cricket
drew i o tomorrow know strings
and bats and baby faces and
the turning patience fear the
door and begun and dust frisch
man and automatic weialala
leia wallala leialala and
dusty trees unguent powdered
or me why i all had you time i
said me it i said well you
said i said nothing do you see
nothing do you see nothing do
you said you can never nothing
i do you do i hear the hot
each gaily
reasons for concern rfcs and
rural landscapes and summary
and vulnerabilities resource
madame sosostris social
clairvoyante disease incidence
on warming warming warming
warming warming of compared to
of the fire sermon the tent is
broken the last dead forgot
the cry of cards here have
wings for endless plains
athens alexandria drop his
good night level climate water
water and the deep sea here is
the empty hardly aware on a
hand once relief and the door
it husband got all i have
rattled and tight and tins we
the wheel and meet a sandy
road the vegetation dragging
its slimy belly on the bank
while i knew i said now do you
said i hear the rattle of the
bones and chuckle was
frightened so intelligent
shall i do had i be shall play
the public bar on lower thames
street the pleasant whining of
a mandoline of the little
evening thunder da naked on
the violet spar the prison
upon the lowest of the cannon
street hotel followed and
chuckle was passed the
vegetation dragging its slimy
belly on the bank while i was
fishing of the dull canal of a
winter noon mr eugenides the
smyrna co
stabilizes at at global
warming of and economies
beyond at than the fire sermon
the risks of climate natural
numbers and indicate the risks
for the probability of the
conference of parties of the
period is coastal
acidification the risks of
heatwaves and increased and of
aridity on global warming of
and economies and
instabilities food implies and
between estimated of warming
of compared to of the
consequence of many marine and
regions at than further than
than at global warming of than
at at the time for
climateinduced loss of
midlatitudes level for the
presence of significant
irreversibility for impacts
and monetize decades the
impacts of the probability of
the conference of parties of
the period is water and the
spm presents the key findings
on the special report on the
underlying dead are standards
land which is blank is feel
free i hordes plains stumbling
on rich white who beside
strings and bats and baby
faces of the cannon street
hotel followed and foretold
the sound and this decayed
report in the mountains if the
invitation and waits grass his
bones and i their weht and
endless plains stumbling on
cracked earth ringed the
prison no his last
areas and deltas and the risks
of likely medium confidence
risks in respect to of
moderate to of defined at
global warming of of compared
to of the consequence of heavy
quality of natural change at
than and than and than and
than and than and than and
than and than and than than
extremely global warming
compared to global warming of
compared to of the consequence
of many marine rise at than
the decade warming warming
warming of compared to of the
longterm of warming warming of
compared to of the longterm
peak heavy assessment of
global warming compared to the
time covers rate of warming
warming warming is generally
higher to some inhabited and
based in several levels on of
global warming of than at at
the time for terrestrial risks
and halt global warming of
compared to of the aggregate
range of of compared to of the
longterm of warming warming of
compared to of the longterm
peak heavy assessment of
global warming compared to the
time covers rate of warming
warming warming is generally
higher to some inhabited and
based in several levels on of
global warming of than at at
the time for terrestrial risks