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Writer's picturethe unknown designer

Projector distance testing

This was just on a green wall with the projector in it's standard orientation... roughly 36inches by 58inches is the result with projector at about 15ft away. In this orientation will likely need to get 16 or 17 feet away... this should be achievable since the projector will be suspended from the ceiling. Also if I have to I can change the orientation of the projector...put it on it's side but if I do this I will need to re-write the rain program.

Need to start remembering this.

Circle,what do you have a question about

is there anyway I can get the rain projection to continue on to the back wall of idea chamber?

is a clean precise look necessary?

Square, one thing that made sense

just buying the actual shower panel is likely best

Triangle, three things that stood out

projector needs to be further away that I thought

I feel I should be recycling more on this project not adding to land fill.

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